A wonderful Palm Sunday service of Confirmation with Bishop Brian Prior. The Bishop reminded us about the importance of faith. As Steven Charleston wrote in Cloud Walking: A Spiritual Diary, “I walk by faith, but I do not walk with my eyes closed. Faith does not mean I am blind to the world around me. In fact, just the reverse. Faith makes me even more aware of reality. It opens my eyes to hunger, poverty, injustice and prejudice. It offers me a vision of the beauty of creation and demands that I be held accountable for preserving that vision. I see God alive and active all around me. I am a witness to the living truth of a love so clear I cannot look away. Walk by faith and you walk with eyes wide open both to what is without and to what is within.”

Bishop Prior confirmed Todd Childers, John Shelnutt, Jim Plexico, Derek Potter, Dominic Contreras, Susan Clayton, Emily Potter, and Darlene Lampkin. Welcome one and all! A truly great way to begin Holy Week.